Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (cb17eb)


(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 app.swagger /api/doc.json Path does not match
3 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
4 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
5 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
7 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
8 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 easyadmin /easyadmin Path does not match
16 stats /stats Path does not match
17 statsweb /statsweb Path does not match
18 pullVote /webservice/app-salon-pull-vote Path does not match
19 pull-script /webservice/pullScript Path does not match
20 ping /webservice/app-salon-ping-device Path does not match
21 insert-data /webservice/insert-data Path does not match
22 wishlist /webservice/wishlist Path does not match
23 update_device /webservice/app-salon-update-device Path does not match
24 register2 /webservice/app-salon-register-device2 Path does not match
25 register /webservice/app-salon-register-device Path does not match
26 getWebVersion /webservice/get-web-version Path does not match
27 list_salons /webservice/app-salon-list-salon Path does not match
28 list_devices /webservice/app-salon-list-device Path does not match
29 get_stat_devices /webservice/app-salon-get-stat-device Path does not match
30 save_web_stats /webservice/savewebstats Path does not match
31 conference_synchronisation3 /web-service/synchronisation-go/conferences Path does not match
32 exposant_synchronisation3 /web-service/synchronisation-go/exposant Path does not match
33 speakers_synchronisation3 /web-service/synchronisation-go/speakers Path does not match
34 reset3 /web-service/synchronisation-go/reset Path does not match
35 reset_exposants3 /web-service/synchronisation-go/reset-exposants Path does not match
36 reset_conference3 /web-service/synchronisation-go/reset-conferences Path does not match
37 set_stands_mp /web/set_stands-mp Path does not match
38 resize_image_mp /web/resize-mp Path does not match
39 draw_partners_logo_mp /web/drawPartnersLogo-mp Path does not match
40 draw_image_mp /web/draw-mp Path does not match
41 delta_calculator_mp /web-service/synchronisation-mp/deltaCalculator Path does not match
42 reverse_delta_calculator /web-service/synchronisation-mp/reverseDeltaCalculator Path does not match
43 clone_json_mp /web-service/synchronisation-mp/clonejson Path does not match
44 dump_database /database/dumpDatabase Path does not match
45 load_basic_sql_script /mapping/loadBasicSqlScript Path does not match
46 load_mapping_file /mapping/loadMappingFile Path does not match
47 export_mapping /mapping/export Path does not match
48 synchronisation_mp /web-service/synchronisation/mapping Path does not match
49 speakers_synchronisation_mp /web-service/synchronisation-mp/speakers Path does not match
50 resetMp /web-service/synchronisation-mp/reset Path does not match
51 reset_exposants_mp /web-service/synchronisation-mp/reset-exposants Path does not match
52 reset_conference_mp /web-service/synchronisation-mp/reset-conferences Path does not match
53 set_stands_siae /web/set_stands-siae Path does not match
54 resize_image_siae /web/resize-siae Path does not match
55 draw_partners_logo_siae /web/drawPartnersLogo-siae Path does not match
56 draw_image_siae /web/draw-siae Path does not match
57 clone_json_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/clonejson Path does not match
58 conference_synchronisation_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/conferences Path does not match
59 exposant_synchronisation_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/exposant Path does not match
60 poi_synchronisation_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/poi Path does not match
61 speakers_synchronisation_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/speakers Path does not match
62 img_aeronef /web-service/synchronisation-siae/imgAeronef Path does not match
63 reset_exposants_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/reset-exposants Path does not match
64 reset_conference_siae /web-service/synchronisation-siae/reset-conferences Path does not match
65 set_stands_sp /web/set_stands-sp Path does not match
66 resize_image_sp /web/resize-sp Path does not match
67 draw_partners_logo_sp /web/drawPartnersLogo-sp Path does not match
68 draw_image_sp /web/draw-sp Path does not match
69 clone_json_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/clonejson Path does not match
70 clone_exposant_id /web-service/synchronisation-sp/cloneExposantId Path does not match
71 conference_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/conferences Path does not match
72 exposant_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/exposant Path does not match
73 products_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/products Path does not match
74 noveltys_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/noveltys Path does not match
75 brands_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/brands Path does not match
76 nomenclatures_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/nomenclatures Path does not match
77 speakers_synchronisation_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/speakers Path does not match
78 reset_exposants_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/reset-exposants Path does not match
79 reset_conference_sp /web-service/synchronisation-sp/reset-conferences Path does not match
80 sync_stands /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-stands Path does not match
81 sync_exposants /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-exposants Path does not match
82 sync_exposants_secteur_filter /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-exposants-secteur-filter Path does not match
83 sync_app_filter /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-app-filter Path does not match
84 sync_participant /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-participant Path does not match
85 sync_partenaire /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-partenaire Path does not match
86 sync_product /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-product Path does not match
87 sync_mapLegende /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-mapLegende Path does not match
88 sync_exposants_apport_filter /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-exposants-apport-filter Path does not match
89 sync_exposants_pays_filter /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-exposants-pays-filter Path does not match
90 sync_exposants_thematic_filter /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-exposants-thematic-filter Path does not match
91 sync_topic_filters /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-topic-filters Path does not match
92 sync_conferences /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-conferences Path does not match
93 sync_location_filters /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-location-filters Path does not match
94 sync-stand-filters /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-stand-filters Path does not match
95 sync_thematics /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-thematics Path does not match
96 sync_type_filters /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-type-filters Path does not match
97 sync_brand_filters /web-service/synchronisation-va/sync-brand-filters Path does not match
98 start-synchro-mp /web-service/synchronisation/start-synchro-mp Path does not match
99 generate_sqlite_db /web-service/synchronisation-va/generate-sqlite-db Path does not match
100 set_stands_va /web/set_stands-va Path does not match
101 resize_image_va /web/resize-va Path does not match
102 draw_partners_logo_va /web/drawPartnersLogo-va Path does not match
103 draw_image_va /web/draw-va Path does not match
104 clone_json_va /web-service/synchronisation-va/clonejson Path does not match
105 conference_synchronisation_va /web-service/synchronisation-va/conferences Path does not match
106 exposant_synchronisation_va /web-service/synchronisation-va/exposant Path does not match
107 speakers_synchronisation_va /web-service/synchronisation-va/speakers Path does not match
108 reset /web-service/synchronisation-va/reset Path does not match
109 reset_exposants_va /web-service/synchronisation-va/reset-exposants Path does not match
110 reset_conference_va /web-service/synchronisation-va/reset-conferences Path does not match
111 salons-liste /webservice/salons-liste Path does not match
112 liste_devices /webservice/devices-liste Path does not match
113 liste_maps /webservice/maps-liste Path does not match
114 liste_stands /webservice/stands-liste Path does not match
115 liste_exposants /webservice/exposants-liste Path does not match
116 liste_conference /webservice/conferences-liste Path does not match
117 liste_atelier /webservice/programme-salle-liste/{name} Path does not match
118 liste_conference_type /webservice/conference-type Path does not match
119 liste_location /webservice/location-liste Path does not match
120 liste_thematique /webservice/thematique-liste Path does not match
121 push_pub /webservice/push-pub Path does not match
122 update_liste_image /webservice/update-image-liste-base64-exposant Path does not match
123 liste_image /webservice/image-liste-base64-exposant Path does not match
124 liste_config_salon /webservice/list-config-salon Path does not match
125 device_index /device_index Path does not match
126 sync_index /sync_index Path does not match
127 deleteSyncAction /delete_sync Path does not match
128 device_delete /device_delete/{id} Path does not match
129 deleteDeviceAction /delete_device Path does not match
130 pullStatAction /pull_stat Path does not match
131 pushSyncAction /push_sync2 Path does not match
132 startSynchroLightAction /start_synchro_light Path does not match
133 startSynchroAction /start_synchro Path does not match
134 sqliteSyncLightAction /sqlite_sync_light_action Path does not match
135 sqliteSyncAction /sqlite_sync_action Path does not match
136 tatelier_new /tatelier_new Path does not match
137 tatelier_show /tatelier_show/{id} Path does not match
138 tatelier_edit /tatelier_edit/{id}/edit Path does not match
139 app_devicesync_delete /tatelier_delete/{id} Path does not match
140 map_show /map/show Path does not match
141 accueil /accueil Path does not match
142 plansms /map/sms/{liste}/{token}/{numero} Path does not match
143 edit_map /map/edit Path does not match
144 app_map_choice /map/choix Path does not match
145 map_delete /map/delete Path does not match
146 app_map_sendemail /sms-send Path does not match
147 map_show_all_exposant /sms-map/all-exposants Path does not match
148 map_multi_show_v2 /multi/map/show/v2/{map_id} Path does not match
149 map_multi_getstands /multi/map/getstands Path does not match
150 map_multi_savestand /multi/map/savestand Path does not match
151 map_multi_delete_v2 /multi/map/v2/delete Path does not match
152 map_multi_show /multi/map/show/{map_id} Path does not match
153 accueil_new /accueil Path does not match
154 planinfo /map/new/planinfo Path does not match
155 plansms_new /map/new/sms/{liste}/{token}/{numero} Path does not match
156 map_multi_edit /multi/map/edit Path does not match
157 app_multimap_choice /map/new/choix Path does not match
158 map_multi_delete /multi/map/delete Path does not match
159 app_multimap_sendemail /sms-send Path does not match
160 map_show_all_exposant_new /sms-map/new/all-exposants Path does not match
161 app_login /login Path does not match
162 app_logout /logout Path does not match
163 homepage / Path does not match
164 app.swagger_ui /webservice/doc Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.